Sunday Mix: Caitlin McLean

photograph taken by Madeline Gbur
Say hello to Caitlin, the best vegan cupcake maker in the world! Caitlin McLean has been behind Walla Fest since the very very beginning (and I'm talking still in high school cafeteria beginning). Being that she was our number one supporter she became the first extension of what would soon grow to be our Walla family. Upon starting to put together shows at the Centre Theater, Caitlin became our official food lady! This entailed manning the food booth and making TONS of delicious vegan cupcakes for all of you, she even made us a birthday cake once. But Caitlin has done way more for us than that, she has written about Walla on multiple occasions, being active about getting the word out there for us and making sure that you all love Walla as much as we do!! -Yesenia

Here's some insight on her current creative endeavors:

"I'm currently in three improv groups: We Cute, Martha Stewart Home Collection, and Titanic Players. Also I'm getting into standup comedy. I'm spreading my comedic seed all across Chicago. When I'm not doing that, I'm writing scripts on scripts on scripts. And when I'm not doing that, I'm eating my weight in cheese."
-Caitlin McLean

With all of that said, here's the first mixtape from a member of the Wallla Fam: