Sunday Mix - Mannequin Pussy

The first time that I saw Mannequin Pussy was last new Years Eve and I had the luxury of being the super sober and perpetually exhausted friend that gets to spend most of the night driving around his jovial and highly intoxicated friends; living the dream, naturally. It was almost midnight and we had just left Kung-fu Necktie. Having lost control of my life, I asked “Where are we going now?” to which the only response was “PhilaMOCA. Now, I'd consider myself versed in drunken vagaries, but the question of “Who’s playing there?” seemed worth asking; to which the only coherent response was “Mannequin Pussy”. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard the name, but I kept racking my brain, trying to figure out how I knew it. Then it hit me, it was truly one of those rare serendipitous, six degrees of separation, the universe is speaking to you now moments. Kayleen, the drummer in Mannequin Pussy, was drumming in Misstalica prior to that. And who happened to live just one building over from me for most of college while simeoutaniously working with me at one of two music shops in all of downtown West Chester, Pennsylvania but one of the guitarists in Misstalica. And what band did we end up listening to a lot while working there? Yep, Mannequin Pussy.
By the time we had gotten to the venue they had started playing already. Watching their set, I was equal parts captivated by what I can only describe as one of the hardest bands I’ve ever seen and this amazing Bond-esqe film staring only luchadors. They balled out of control, ringing in the New Year while I stood in a circle of my friends kicking around half deflated balloons and sipping some obscure Canadian beer whose name now eludes me. I can’t really say why, but it was a beautiful moment. I was just so wrapped up in it, and I think I’ll forever associate it with them. I feel almost like I owe Mannequin Pussy that moment, like they gave it to me.

A few months passed, and as the final lineup for Walla was announced I was beyond pleased to see that they would be headlining the first night, that we’d be at PhilaMOCA again, and that I’d be given the opportunity to owe this band for another wonderful experience. It’s weird that I write up these Sunday  mixes, it’s weird that they were the first band to make one for this upcoming festival, It’s weird that they’ve contextualized a chronology of beautiful moments spanning over 2 years, and it’s weird the way the universe just puts those things together unbeknownst to any of us. So take this moment and listen to this playlist. Listen to some Spirit Of The Beehive, some Sun Organ, and most importantly get weird to Mannequin Pussy.   


Boom Boom Boom  Fleabite
Ass Kickin' Rock n' Roll  Sun Organ
Powerful Man  Hop Along
Marijuana (w/Colleen Green)  Free Weed
Divorce Year  Thin Lips
You Fell Apart  Ex Hex
Watered Down  Swearin
Now & Then  Radiator Hospital
Dream House  Amanda X  
Water  Jamaica Queens
Sudden Separation   NAH
White Weekend  The Spirit of the Beehive
Wears Yr Head  Foot
Rain Sounds  Satorio

Walla Fest is next weekend at PhilaMOCA on August 8th and 9th. Mannequin Pussy plays the first night on August 8th. RSVP HERE

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